"We make Promises to keep & commitments to honour"

How to Perform Hajj

By Shaikh Muhammad As-Salih Al-Uthaimeen

In The Name of Allah, Most Gracious, Most Merciful
Hajj is one of the best forms of worship and is one of the most sublime deeds because it is one of the pillars of Islam that Allah sent Muhammad (may the peace and blessings of Allah be upon him) with. Ones religion is incomplete without it. A form of worship is only acceptable when the following is true.

  • One devotes it to Allah alone, with a desire for the Hereafter. It cannot be done with the intention of being seen among men or for worldly gain.
  • One follows the Prophet's example, in words deeds. This cannot accomplish except knowledge of the Sunnah.

Forms of Pilgrimage

A pilgrim wears Ihram for Umrah only during the months of Hajj, which means when he reaches Makkah, he makes Tawaf and Sa'yi for Umrah. He then shaves or clips his hair. On the day of Tarwiya, which is the eighth of Dhul-Hijja, he puts on his Ihram for Hajj only and carries out all of its requirements.

A pilgrim wears Ihram for Hajj only. When he reaches Makkah, he performs Tawaf for his arrival and Sa'yi for Hajj. He doesn't shave or clip his hair as he doesn't disengage from Ihram. Instead, he remains in Ihram till after he stones Jamrah Al-Aqaba on the Eid day. It is permissible for him to postpone his Sa'yi for Hajj until after his

Tawaf for Hajj
A pilgrim wears Ihram for both Umrah and Hajj or he wears Ihram first for Umrah, then makes intentions for Hajj before his Tawaf for Hajj. The obligations on one performing Ifraad are the same as those on one performing Qiran, except that the latter must slaughter whereas the former is not obligated to do so.

The best of the three forms is Tamattu'. It is the form that the prophet (May the peace and blessings of Allah be upon him) encouraged his followers to perform. Even if a pilgrim makes intentions to perform Qiran or Ifraad he is allowed to change his intentions to Tamattu', he can do this even after he has performed Tawaf and Sa'yi.
When the Prophet (May the peace and blessings of Allah be upon him) performed Tawaf and Sa'yi during the year of the Farewell Hajj with his companions, he ordered all those who hadn't brought sacrificial animals to change their intentions for Hajj to intentions for Umrah. Cut their hair, and disengage from Ihram till Hajj. He said, "If I hadn't brought the sacrificial animal, I'd have done what I've ordered you to do."


The following is incumbent upon the Muhrim for Hajj or Umrah:

  • That he be committed to Allah's religious obligations upon him such as prayer in its time (in congregation for men).
  • That he avoids what Allah has prohibited such as obscenity, inequity, and disobedience. If anyone undertakes Hajj therein. Let there be no obscenity, nor wickedness, nor wrangling during Hajj ~ [2:197].
  • That he avoids harming the Muslims with words or actions within the Masha'ir or elsewhere.
  • That he avoids all of the restrictions of Ihram:
  • He shouldn't cause the loss of any of his hair or nails. A prick by a thorn and the like is unobjectionable, even if there is bleeding.
  • He shouldn't perfume himself, his clothing, his food or his drink after entering Ihram. He should also abstain from cleansing himself with scented soap. There is no harm in what remains of the effect of perfume used prior to Ihram.
  • He shouldn't touch, kiss, etc. his spouse out of passion and, even worse, shouldn't have sexual intercourse. He shouldn't be wed or propose to a woman for himself or others. f. He shouldn't wear gloves, although there is no harm in wrapping the hands in cloth. This ruling goes for both men and women.

The following pertains specifically to men

  • He cannot cover his head with something that touches it, although there is no harm in the use of an umbrella, the roof of a car or tent for shade. There is also no harm in carrying his baggage atop his head.
  • He cannot wear a shirt, turban, hooded cloak trousers, or shoes. Only if he is unable to obtain an Ezar or sandals can he wear trousers or shoes.
  • He cannot wear anything with the same qualities of the above mentioned such as an Abea', Qubaa, hat, undershirt, etc. It is permissible for him to wear sandals, rings, glasses, hearing aid, watch, worn on his wrist or hung from his neck, or a speech aid. It is permissible for him to cleanse himself with unscented cleansers and to wash and scratch his head and body, even if some of his hair falls unintentionally. In such a case there is no obligation on him because of it.

The following pertains specifically to women

  • A woman cannot wear a Niqab or Burqa'. The Sunnah is for her to uncover her face except if men not related to her might see her, in which case it is obligatory for her to cover her face during Ihram and otherwise.

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